Live Well Psychology


Cognitive Behavioural approaches for managing stress in the workplace 

The UK's partner for employee wellbeing since 2021

All Live Well Psychology therapists are specially trained to deliver proven Cognitive Behavioural Therapy tools to prevent workplace stress and improve employee wellbeing. All our therapists are British Psychological Society (BPS) or British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) accredited. 

We continually deliver excellent care and help your employees manage their own stress in and out of the workplace. 

Stress makes up 30% of lost work time in the UK

We help employees from all sectors achieve their own sense of personal and professional wellbeing by:

Mental health problems cost the UK £117 billion annually

By introducing simple, evidence based techniques, employees can become their own wellbeing experts. By the end of sessions, our service aims to  be redundant, as staff will become confident in managing their own wellbeing; they will become their own therapists.