What is CBT?

"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and thus you have the power to revoke at any moment" Marcus Aurelius (ad121–180)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy based tools work on the idea that situations can be interpreted differently by different people, and with new perspectives

Stressful conditions do not produce the same effects in all people. For some, stress aroused by an event is huge, while for others it is small. Under some stressful conditions, the performance for a some is markedly impaired. For others it is improved, and for others it has no effects (Lazarus & Eriksen, 1952)

By providing your employees with the power of self-discovery, not only will they feel the positive effects of change, but the changes will be long-lasting in their personal and professional lives. Our data shows a 4 week course, of just 1.5 hours per week can bring about improved mood, reduced anxiety, and a significant reduction in overall symptoms of stress in the workplace. 

Email us at livewellpsychology@mail.com and one of our therapists will be happy to answer any questions about our therapies, webinars and prices. 

Please see What is workplace stress? for further information on the impact of workplace specific stress.